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Software per Architettura,
Ingegneria ed Edilizia


Posso usare i permessi della mia licenza con i programmi di "BIMserver.center"?


Any CYPE programs downloaded from the BIMserver.center platform, besides detecting the permissions that have been acquired from the BIMserver.center "Store", detect the permissions of the connected user's licence (local physical key, network physical key or electronic key) in the same way as any other CYPE program. Therefore, the license does not have to be saved beforehand as was the case in previous versions.


Contatti e informazioni per l'Italia:
Tel. (+39) 0694800227

Sede centrale:
CYPE Ingenieros - Av. de Loring, 4 - 03003 ALICANTE. Spagna
Tel.(+34) 965922550 - Fax (+34) 965124950
CYPE Software per Architettura, Ingegneria ed Edilizia